A selection of our 2019 Artists
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Jen Hofmann is currently working as a hairdresser, living in San Francisco, and has a serious glass habit. She is currently the artist in residence at the Glama-Rama Salon in Oakland, producing a quarterly show about BIG HAIR interpreted in a stained glass medium. Some of the pieces at this show in Bishop were part of the BIG HAIR show. Most of the pieces in this show are fused glass, stained glass or silk screened glass. This show also includes an artistic collaboration done with the illustrator Mitch O'Connell.
See Jennifer's work at:
Luxe Salon
Glass Artist
Jennifer Hofmann

My art style is Contemporary Landscape Impressionism.
Impressionism in that it's an artistic style that seeks to capture a feeling or experience rather than to achieve accurate depiction. Also, I like to have a sense of flow or movement. Most of the subject matter is the eastern sierra landscape and wildlife.
Why I create the type of art I create:
Landscapes hit us on a very deep, primal or instinctual level. As a Christian artist, I believe there is a longing for Eden of the past and hope for a Paradise soon to be. These both involve landscape, freedom, and closeness to God. Seeing the creation brings to mind the creator. I believe this is why we need parks in cities, and why the very wealthy have massive landscaping done as well as the want for Japanese and English gardens or even your own garden. I create this art in opposition to all things ugly and negative and unnatural.
See Frank's work at:
Art & Soul: the Gallery at Church on Main
Frank Lee Hawkins

"In the Moment" is a photographic exploration of the brief moment a tree can fly. The falling leaf that forces us to rethink our relation to nature and time. Bruce Willey is considered by some in the know to be the world's premier falling leaf photographer, though it should be noted that the genre hasn't gained the same popularity as the photographers who capture the autumnal leaves while they are still attached to the tree. An Eastern Sierra wedding and portrait photographer, the idea was conceived as training for the split-second moments that happen during weddings, and has since grown to multiple gallery shows, lectures, and exhibits. "Well, a few at least."
See Bruce's work at:
C5 Studios Community Art Center
Bruce Willey

Dick Cheeseman's sculptural works range from contemplative explorations of the human form, to works evoking the presence of animals and even objects of esoteric abstraction. Solid and heavy with condensed matter, these often abstracted and conceptualized sculptures are all the more intriguing when one considers that they have all been deftly carved from solid rock.
See Dick's work at:
The Project Room
@ Independent Projet Press
Dick Cheeseman

Steve White has been designing and building things from wood all his life. After a short career as a mechanical engineer he went off on his own, building houses, staircases, a human-powered Ferris wheel, and fine furniture. Always striving for uniqueness in his work, he has had his pieces published in many magazines over the years and won many awards at exhibitions. He and his wife moved to Bishop 21 years ago, and raised a son here. Still a bit of an engineer at heart, he has always been fascinated by the intersection of engineering and art. Currently he has made forays into outdoor sculpture, and several pieces can be seen behind his studio. He always has recent pieces of furniture on display in his studio and welcomes visitors there.
See Steve's work at:
Steven White Woodworking
Artist and furniture maker
Steven White

My name is Dana Ellis. I live, work, draw, paint, and wander in the high desert of the Eastern Sierra. Things are changing fast, too fast. My friends, the Beasties, are frightened. They came to me in appeal and I bring them to you to plead their plight. Look at them, SEE them. Then act on their behalf... and ours; for everything is connected.
See Dana's work at:
Mountain Rambler Brewery
Dana Ellis

Jael is the founder of the Olancha Sculpture Garden in Olancha, CA. Her sculpture work mostly deals with internal landscapes -states that either limit our progressive unfolding. or have overcome them.
Jael's jewellery work conveys a humanistic message or is just downright playful.
See Jael's work at:
Indy Coffee Roasting
Sculptor and jewellery maker
Jael Hoffmann

Personal drawings - related to my family history. 1) present day Sunland Indian Reservation where my mother was born. 2) My mother’s father as a child (holding hat) 3) my uncle Richard Warlie in Alaska during WWII. 2 and 3 are drawings of old family pictures- drawn in a literal realistic approach. They are also drawn on polyester film because the feel of graphite/ pencil is smooth and it is durable.
See Ron's work at:
Bee Gee Beauty Supply
Ron Napoles

I paint in watercolors, oils, acrylics, pastels, pen, ink & pencil. Sierra Views, desert scenes, southwest, portraits, animals and botanical
illustrations are my subject matter. I have studied basket weaving with
Lucy and Julia Parker, and I have now begun beading. I have lived in Bishop, CA since 1970. I also lived 4 years in Lone Pine, CA in the late 1950's and early 1960's. Every day in our area there is something to paint, whether I am hiking, or just stop by the road side. We have traveled to the Southwest area, Monument Valley, Grand Canyon, Canyon lands, but Owens Valley and it's surrounding area still has the strongest pull.
See Pat's work at:
Bishop Art Supply
Spellbinder Books
Black Sheep Coffee Roasters
Pat Crowther

Judyth Greenburgh - A self described "kaleidoscope junkie," Judyth Greenburgh sees kaleidoscopes as a metaphor for life and personal transformation. They create for her an infinite world of possibilities. The mirrors inside the kaleidoscopes reflect and project our point of view into something new. Our daily chaos is re-ordered. She has successfully made the transition from a corporate advertising art director to a "feral artist" living in the tiny desert town of Darwin, California in southern Inyo County. She enjoys reclaiming what has been abandoned through the transformative process of creating art.
See Judyth's work at:
Indy Coffee Roasting
Judyth Greenburgh

Oma Kassim is an Architect, Artist and Rock Climber who originally hails from Upstate New York. She has been on the road, living in her 2010 Ford Transit Connect, dubbed "Mies Van der Rowe" as a nod to her architecture background. She can be found rock climbing, painting, or playing the fiddle around the Sierras. Her art business, Mountain Love Letters, was originally started by creating art to send as snail mail to friends in order to share some beauty of these wild places. This transformed into creating pieces to share with others her memories, experiences, and love for the mountains that she now calls home.
See Oma's work at:
Sage to Summit
Black Sheep Coffee Roasters
Oma Kassim

"Welcome to Leo's World"
My name is Rhondda Saunders, the creator of Leo. My art is loosely based on the fun antics of my weiner dog Leo. He goes as far as my imagination can take him; frp, ploitics to the outer limits. I created Leo in 2005 and since that time, I have created hundreds of paintings depicting his humorous situations. I hope you enjoy my art. Thank you!
Sincerely Rhondda Saunders
See Rhondda's work at:
Pupfish Cafe
Rhondda Saunders

Hannah’s carvings are made from recycled/reclaimed wood and are hand-printed using traditional Japanese techniques.
See Hannah's work at:
C5 Studios Community Arts Center
Hannah Ryan

My name is Lori Michelon and I’ve lived on the Eastside on and off since the late 70s. While I am not inspired artistically by our beautiful landscape I know that my hybrid beasties live in this landscape with us. They come in peace. Let’s welcome them. They have things to teach us.
See Lori's work at:
Mountain Rambler Brewery
Lori Michelon

Cora Wilke is an oil and watercolor painter currently creating and working within the Eastern Sierra mountain range. Inspired by wanderlust meeting the mountains, Cora’s work has grown to reflect her experiences outside and within her nature surroundings. Each piece holds unique meaning, a memory attempting to be shared again, and a sense of familiarity of what we have seen before and what we hope to see (again).
See Cora's work at:
Good Earth Yogurt
Cora Wilke

Skandar Reid is a local artist for the last 20 years here in the Owens Valley and beyond.
His artistic mediums include stone sculptures to digital illustrations, videos and evolving into stone pendants and other creative projects utilizing clay, resin and cement...This exhibit will have some smaller totemic dishes, healing wands and crystal and other stone pendants to name a few.
See Skandar's work at:
Mammoth Gear Exchange

Charisse was born with art in her heart. Her grades of excellence came from her art classes in school. Some of her friends call her an heartist instead of an artist because she likes to paint what people can feel. Charisse invites people to see the world differently. Her painting’s vibrate with artistic color and energy. Her themes remain true to the natural world. Charisse strives to create paintings that are original, and make people take a step back and smi
See Charisse's work at:
Whiskey Creek
Artist, published author
Charisse Rudolph

Fossils of the Rain Shadow: an installation of ceramic sculptural work by Karen Nielsen Licher, consisting of sensuous forms inspired by nature and the energy that flows through all living things.
See Karen's work at:
A special window installation
in an empty storefront at the SE corner of Main and WIllow
Mountain Rambler Brewery
The Labyrinth
@ Independent Project Press
Installation artist/sculptor/painter
Karen Nielsen Licher

Daniel De La Riva will be the featured artist of Alliance. His passion for traditional tattoo art is his specialty. Bold lines and strong color makes a timeless tattoo in design and longevity. Dan has spent years and long hours studying and painting these classic designs.
See Daniel's work at:
Tattoo Artist
Daniel De La Riva

For refreshment, C5 Studios Community Art Center offer a unique experience of Russian Samovar tea ceremony by Harald Kanz. Tea will be artistically served from 5:00-7:00pm.
See Harold's work at:
C5 Studios Community Arts Center
Harold Kanz

Jean Drummond is a photographer with a passion for capturing images of nature's details and designs that evoke soul-stirring feelings of calm, curiosity and inspiration. Her photographs offer a unique view of nature by focusing on the intimate details that can only be seen by slowing down.
Her images strive to convey deep feelings and emotions that take you to a peaceful place and spark a desire to get outdoors and reconnect with nature, and ultimately, with yourself. For being in nature --or even visually experiencing it through art-- engages our senses, inspires awe and wonder, and helps heal us.
See Jean's work at:
Sage to Summit
Nature photographer
Jean Drummond

Jenna Gibson is a California native, but just recently moved to the Owens Valley after years of yearning to do so. She has been teaching figure drawing and illustration for the past 5 years, along with workshops, gallery work, and commissions. Her main focus is portraiture, with a hint of abstracted natural elements. The move to the Owens Valley has only heightened her sense of beauty in the subjects she draws, and created a whole new realm of realism for her.
See Jenna's work at:
Eastside Guesthouse and Bivy
Jenna Gibson

Gaylene Kinzy is a fourth-generation resident of Payahuunadü (Owens Valley) and granddaughter of the late artist Lillian Coons. She began drawing and painting from a very young age with the encouragement of Lillian. Gaylene majored in fine arts at Lassen Community College and later earned a degree in Agriculture Crop Science from CSU Chico. During her graduate studies she took a plant morphology course which required doing scientific illustration. It was from that course she regained inspiration in her artistic work. Gaylene’s subjects include: native plants; insects; and other wonders of the natural world. Mediums she currently works with are: color pencil; marker; and linoleum block prints. On occasion she also makes jewelry with her mother June.ed natural elements. The move to the Owens Valley has only heightened her sense of beauty in the subjects she draws, and created a whole new realm of realism for her.
See Gaylene's work at:
Radicle Wellness
Gaylene Kinzy

Emma Ruppell has lived in the Eastern Sierra for 10 years. Drawing and painting have been a family tradition. This year, she focused on watercolors and guache rock-scapes from her native Australia, Bishop area, and the British Isles.
See Emma's work at:
Radicle Wellness
Emma Ruppell

Wild Roots Forest School offers a curriculum rich in direct experience with Nature that nurtures a sense of community and belonging among children, families and the land. Wild Roots meets in local, natural spaces. The sky is our ceiling, the trees are our walls, and the floor is the living Earth. Our students learn to identify local flora and fauna, recognize patterns in nature, build physical prowess, agility, and confidence, and develop a solid foundation for lifelong learning. All art was created by Wild Roots students outside.
See the students work at:
Radicle Wellness